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原标题:Issues when using pre-compiled regex in Perl

I am having some issues with matching when i try and implement pre-compiled regex in a Perl script. I have the script working without pre-compiling, and any time I have an express that spans lines, it returns no match when pre-compiling. So for example:

my $regex_partner = qr/<h1 id="PartnerName">(?<partner_name>.*?)</h1>/;
$content =~ $regex_partner;
$partner_name = $+{partner_name};


my $regex_web =~ qr/Company Website:.*openWindow[(] (?<website>http://.*?) /s;
$content =~ $regex_web;
$website = $+{website};

只剩下一整件事。 看来使用qr/s的时间过长,不会奏效。




my $regex_web =~ qr/.../s;

That should be:

my $regex_web = qr/.../s;

前者使用<代码>$regex_web。 后者将模式分配到网库。 如果向您发出警告,就会发出“按模式配对的无初始价值网”警告。

Unless it s a打脚石?

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