English 中文(简体)
原标题:Difference, in minutes, between two dates

我需要在两个日期之间获得会议记录。 我知道Joda是最佳用途,但这是一个安乐团项目,因此,我更希望尽可能使用一些外部图书馆,而Im大楼的计算方法并不要求精确。

However, the code I m using doesn t seem to be working. I m trying to get the number of minutes between "11/21/2011 7:00:00 AM" and "11/21/2011 1:00:00 PM" (which should be 360 minutes), but the code I m using returns 0:

int diff = minutesDiff(GetItemDate("11/21/2011 7:00:00 AM"), GetItemDate("11/21/2011 1:00:00 PM"));

public static Date GetItemDate(final String date)
    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());
    final SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a");

    try {
        return format.parse(date);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        return null;

public static int minutesDiff(Date earlierDate, Date laterDate)
    if( earlierDate == null || laterDate == null ) return 0;

    return (int)((laterDate.getTime()/60000) - (earlierDate.getTime()/60000));


Unparabledate: 11/21/2011 07:00:AM00

The problem is that parsing AM/PM hours only works with "hh" (small caps!) or "KK". At least that is the case in my phone (it seems some of us didn t see this issue at all). I tested it also works with a single "h" too.

hh = 1-12
KK = 0-11
HH = 0-23
kk = 1-24


final SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a", Locale.US);

This post explains the "a" and Locale: Unable to parse DateTime-string with AM/PM marker

PS。 因此,我必须使用“当地人”。 美国”参与这项工作。 我认为,美国居民可以在没有标准的情况下测试该守则。


如果你任满一天,你将获得零。 在渔获量说明中,用纸质或字眼来研究这一问题,看看这是否告诉你。


return (int)((laterDate.getTime()/60000) - (earlierDate.getTime()/60000));


long result = ((laterDate.getTime()/60000) - (earlierDate.getTime()/60000));
return (int) result;


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