English 中文(简体)
日期: 摩纳哥 如果日历月通过快速点击而迅速点击,那么淋巴登临JSON的要求就能够保持稳定。
原标题:datePicker onMonthChange & beforeShowDay getJSON request can t keep up if calendar month quickly clicked through


页: 1 设置了供住宿网站使用的设备,以在日期/日期上进行检查。 使用<代码>在ShowDay前索取含有日期和比率的XML文件。 我开始这样做,是正确的。


The Problem: If you quickly click through the months the XML data coming back in can t keep up, so dates incorrectly show as unavailable.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我需要以下一点:

  • Once the data loads the calendar refreshes to show the correct availability
  • The month forward button is disabled until the data has been loaded.

What I ve Tried

  • Hiding the month change button at the start of the onMonthChange function then showing it at the end - this doesn t work.
  • Using async:false in the get function - I feel this is the solution but I can t get it work as I can t find any clear documentation on where it s meant to go.


        /* Date Picker */
    var datepickerOptions = {
        dateFormat:  yy-mm-dd ,
    var checkInOptions = {
        showOtherMonths: false,
        minDate: 0,
        beforeShowDay: addPrice,
        onSelect: openCheckout,
        onChangeMonthYear: onMonthChange,
        dateFormat:  yy-mm-dd 

    j.getJSON("/availability.php?startDate="+year+"-0"+month+"-01&id="+j( #property_id ).text(),
      { format: "json" },
      function(data) {
            document.pricesData = data;
            document.firstDate =   ;
            j( #calendar_check_in ).datepicker(checkInOptions);

            /* Tip Tip */
            j( .ui-datepicker-calendar td ).tipTip({ defaultPosition: "right" });

            for (var key in document.pricesData) {
               var obj = document.pricesData[key];
               if(obj[ avail ] == 1 && document.firstDate ==   ){
                  document.firstDate = key;
            d = new Date(document.firstDate.substr(5));


function addPrice(date) {
    calDate = new Date(date);
    dateString =  date_ +calDate.getFullYear()+ - +( 0 +(calDate.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2)+ - +( 0 +(calDate.getDate()).toString()).substr(-2);
    if(document.pricesData[dateString] != undefined){
        var priceString = document.pricesData[dateString][ price ];
        if(document.pricesData[dateString][ avail ] == "1"){
            valid = true;
        } else {
            valid = false;
        var priceString =  Price not available ;
        valid = false;
    return [valid,   , priceString];

function onMonthChange(year, month, inst){
    /* Date Picker */
    j.getJSON("/availability.php?startDate="+year+"-0"+month+"-01&id="+j( #property_id ).text(),
      { format: "json" },
      function(data) {
            document.pricesData = data;
            document.firstDate =   ;
            /* Tip Tip */
            j( .ui-datepicker-calendar td ).tipTip({ defaultPosition: "right" });

            for (var key in document.pricesData) {
               var obj = document.pricesData[key];
               if(obj[ avail ] == 1 && document.firstDate ==   ){
                  document.firstDate = key;
            d = new Date(document.firstDate.substr(5));

由于需要时间阅读的人,希望有人会找到某种解决办法,因为此时此刻,它就是一个 show的bit子!



If you quickly click through the months the XML data coming back in can t keep up, so dates incorrectly show as unavailable.

当用户变更日期时,你能否清楚了解目前展示的定价和可用信息? 这样,至少你就没有显示不正确的数据。 然后,如果需要,你可以添加一些信息,告知用户,其他数据仍在装上。

我强烈建议不要试图使用合成:false。 这同核选择一样。 这将对网站产生其他不利影响,而且对你来说确实需要这种不利影响。



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