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如何确定与Excel VBA合著的整个工作手册中是否有一处错误
原标题:How do i determine if an error is in any cell in the entire workbook with Excel VBA
  • 时间:2011-11-22 17:00:06
  •  标签:
  • excel
  • vba

Q: 如何确定与Excel VBA合著的整个工作手册中是否有一处错误?

通常的错误将分为0或0数值错误,但这一清单并非详尽无遗(或是不是)。 - 不知道是否存在更多情况



          if value in current.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>
          if value in old.Workbook.cell is error then go to <jump>

<代码>jump 是报表结尾处的标识,但载于正文内。


我完全没有艾滋病协会的经验。 但是,这只字面被打上。



您可使用功能,对有错误的电池进行过滤。 例如:

If VarType(ActiveCell.Value) <> vbError Then
      do something
End If

<代码>VarType功能对于验证数据类型也非常有用。 例如,如果你的法典期望有日期价值,但有时会遇到案文,那么你就可以利用这一职能来审查数据,并妥善处理例外情况。



Dim ws As Worksheet, r As Range

For Each ws In Worksheets
    For Each r In ws.UsedRange
        If IsError(r.Value) Then
            Debug.Print r.Parent.Name, r.Address, r.Formula
        End If



  1. Use Excel s SpecialCells to shortcut the process
  2. use my Mappit! addin which is configured to report on spreadsheet errors

For SpecialCells please see the code below. This takes advantage of the ready-made collection of errors that exist as formulas

请将此constants也收集错误,这样,如果你在公式错误上复制了特别的过去,那么你需要使用。 Set rng1 = ws.Cells.SpecialCells (xlConstants, xlErrors),用于检测这些气体。

You can use also detect SpecialCells manually by

  • Select all cells in the area of interest
  • Press F5
  • Click Special
  • select Errors under Formulas (or Constants )

enter image description here


Sub ErrorList()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng1 As Range
    Dim strOut As String
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        Set rng1 = Nothing
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rng1 = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlFormulas, xlErrors)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then strOut = strOut & (ws.Name & " has " & rng1.Cells.Count & " errors" & vbNewLine)
    Next ws
    If Len(strOut) > 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error List:" & vbNewLine & strOut
        MsgBox "No Errors", vbInformation
    End If
End Sub


如果囚室有错误,它就只能跳出它,然后移到 lo的下一个部分:

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