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JSF 2.0 Validation 差错导致投入领域显示出地方价值而不是更新的模型价值。
原标题:JSF 2.0 Validation errors result the input fields to display local values instead of updated model values

The application uses JSF 2.0 framework. User inputs values to a form. When user selects save, some fields have validation errors and some don t. User clicks on cancel button. Then user clicks the update button again. Even though the modal values are updated, the fields which had valid values when save was selected display the local values instead of the updated model values.

I solved this issue by adding a resetValues() method in the action method of cancel. The resetValues() loops through the list of children and reset the local values to null.



取消的纽特应重新提出这一看法。 如果有必要的话,可以通过将导航结果退回到同一种观点来做到这一点。



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