English 中文(简体)
原标题:TypeError: unable to acces a wrapped function with double pointer argument




#ifndef _EXAMPLE_HPP
#define _EXAMPLE_HPP

class Example {
    void test_cc(char * c0, char * c1);
    void test_cd(char * c0, double d0);
    void test_cdp(char * c0, double * d0);

#endif // _EXAMPLE_HPP


#include "例:hpp"

void Example::test_cc(char * c0, char * c1) {}
void Example::test_cd(char * c0, double d0) {}
void Example::test_cdp(char * c0, double * d0) {}

%module Example
#include "例:hpp"

#include "例:hpp"

and finally my testfile test_Example.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import Example

E = Example.Example()


When i run ./test_Example.py, i get the Error Message

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./test_Example.py", line 9, in <module>
  File "Example.py", line 77, in test_cdp
    def test_cdp(self, *args): return _Example.Example_test_cdp(self, *args)
TypeError: in method  Example_test_cdp , argument 3 of type  double * 

获取功能测试—— ccwork, 测试_cd ......为什么不测试_cdp?




void test_cd(char * c0, double * d0);

and that your argument should be a double, not a double*.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 参见您的评论。

Your code is:


Your prototypes are:

void test_cc(char * c0, char * c1);
void test_cd(char * c0, double d0);

“Hello”和“World”正在用字面来说明,这种字面被打上了星号。 因此,他们是点人。 当你通过0和c1测试时,会因期望某个点而获得罚款。

虽然0分辨率是检测点,但0分辨率不是,0分辨率是双倍,NOT点到杜里。 因此,你必须顺从两倍。

你们可以这样做,要么在 st上翻一番,要么在讲话中通过:

double hi_mom = 83.2;
test_cd("some string" &hi_mom);


double hi_mom = 83.2;
double* ptr = &hi_mom;
test_cd("some string", ptr);


double* ptr = new double(83.2);
test_cd("some string", ptr);
delete ptr;


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Edit re...


shows a working example of how to call C code from python including passing a double. Search for iterate_point in both the python and C code to see how it works. You shouldn t have a pointer for the double, it should just be a normal double as said earlier.

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