English 中文(简体)
ZendFramework Form:如果核查失败,变化选择输入类型案文
原标题:ZendFramework Form: Change select to input type text if verification fails

EDIT: Okay,我把这 stripped倒到最低限度。




<form method="post" action="">
  <div class="state">
          if(!$_POST[ submit ]){
              // show the select list of states.
              echo  <select name="state">
                      <option>list of all states</option>
                    </select> ;
              // show text input box
              echo  <input type="text" value=" .$_POST[ select ]. " name="state" /> ;
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />



You really should not do this kind of stuff (I mean write plain-text form) if you re using Zend Framework. You should use the built-in methods.

首先,使表格能够形成并形成形式。 然后使用这一非常易懂的代码。 请注意,如果我的工作达到100%,我不会受到审判,但这是你需要的100%逻辑。

Form class

class Application_Form_YourFormName extends Zend_Form
   public function init()

      $this->setAction( THE-URL-WHERE-THIS-FORM-IS-MANAGED );

      $Element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text( state );
      $Element->setLabel( State: );
      $Element->addValidators(array(/*DON T KNOW WHAT KIND OF VALIDATION YOU NEED*/));
      $Element->addFilters(array(new Zend_Filter_StringTrim(),
          new Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities(array( quotestyle  => ENT_QUOTES))));

      $this->addElement( reset ,  Reset );
      $this->addElement( submit ,  Submit );

   public function stateNotPresent()
      $this->removeElement( state );

      // Note that getStates() is an hypotetical method of an
      // hypotetical Application_Model_State where you can retrieve an
      // array containing the list of the state you have. This array is
      // needed to fill the Select list.
      $States = Application_Model_State::getStates();
      $Element = new Zend_Form_Element_Select( statelist );
      $Element->setLabel( State: );
      $Element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_InArray($States));
      $Element->setOrder($this->count() - 2);



public function name-of-the-action-you-needAction()
   $Form = new Application_Form_YourFormName();
   if ($this->_request->isPost())
      if ($Form->isValid($this->_request->getPost()))
         // Do things. A good text has been entered
         if ($Form->isValid($this->_request->getPost()))
            // Do things. A good selection has been entered.
            // echo the edited form (the one with the dropdown list)
            $this->view->Form = $Form;
   // The first time the page is requested.
   // The page with the text box will be printed
      $this->view->Form = $Form;


if ($this->Form != null)
   echo $this->Form;

I hope you ll appreciate the effort I made to let you understand.



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