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只显示帽子的弹 Cur或Ajax
原标题:Curl or Ajax to display only captcha?

I m trying to make a php script, which would allow me to auto submit a form to a page. Something like that can be achieved pretty easy with Curl.

But now I m facing a challenge. I want to save me some time, so I thought I could make a php script, that would only show me the CAPTCHA. I would only have to write in the CAPTCHA and the script would auto submit it together with all the other form elements.

我实际上没有开始的想法。 我对使用库尔的想法,但我不知道是否有可能在不同页上使用同样的资源。 毕竟,我不得不在座,让防止酷刑协会的形象和展示(这将是第一部分)。 在我提出意见后,临时选举委员会将不得不提交表格(第二部分)。

Java是否更适合这样一个项目? 如果是的话,我能就如何利用贾瓦文实现像功能一样的库勒找到解释吗? 毕竟,这只是一个轻松的阿富汗复兴共和军呼吁,我需要使会议保持开放,否则,中非复兴共和与民主军一样。




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