English 中文(简体)
原标题:Arranging by indexes vector

我有两个矢量:病媒和指数病媒。 我如何使病媒由指数媒介来安排? 和:

Indexes                5 0 2 1 3 4
Values                 a b c d e f
Values after operation b d c e f a

The indexes vector will always contain the range [0, n) and each index only once.
I need this operation to be done in place because the code is going to be run on a device with low memory.
How can I do this in c++? I can use c++11

std::vector<int>  indices = { 5,   0,   2,   1,   3,   4};
std::vector<char> values  = { a ,  b ,  c ,  d ,  e ,  f };

for(size_t n = 0; n < indices.size(); ++n)
    while(indices[n] != n)
        std::swap(values[n],  values[indices[n]]);
        std::swap(indices[n], indices[indices[n]]);




由于你知道,你的指数阵列是<代码>[0,N]的变动,你可以按工作周期在班时间和地点(+one<>>>/em>,临时)进行折算。 与此类似:

size_t indices[N];
data_t values[N];

for (size_t pos = 0; pos < N; ++pos)  // 
{                                     //  }  this loops _over_ cycles
  if (indices[pos] == pos) continue;  // /

  size_t i = pos;
  const data_t tmp = values[pos];

  while (true)                        // --> this loops _through_ one cycle
    const size_t next = indices[i];
    indices[i] = i;
    values[i] = values[next];

    if (next == pos) break;
    i = next;

  values[i] = tmp;

这一执行比使用<代码>swap有利。 我们每次只需要使用临时变量


for(int i=0;i<=indexes.size();++i)
 for(int j=i+1;j<=indexes.size();++j)
             if(indexes[i] > indexes[j] )


You can also pass a comparison function to the C++ STL sort function if you want O(N*logN)

您的对比工作应该对指数进行比较。 当然,在把数据上调时,你也必须改变指数。


As implementation note: you can store the values and indices together in a structure:

struct SortEntry
    Data value;
    size_t index;


bool operator< (const SortEntry& lhs, const SortEntry& rhs)
    return lhs.index < rhs.index;

This solution runs in O(n) time:

int tmp;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
  while(indexes[i] != i){
    swap(values[i], values[indexes[i]]);
    tmp = indexes[i];
    swap(indexes[i], indexes[tmp]);

This will run in O(n) time without any error.Check it on ideone

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int indexes[6]={2,3,5,1,0,4};
char values[6]={ a , b , c , d , e , f };
int result[sizeof(indexes)/4];          //creating array of size indexes or values
int a,i;
for( i=0;i<(sizeof(indexes)/4);i++)
    a=indexes[i];                       //saving the index value at i of array indexes
    result[a]=values[i];                //saving the result in result array
 for ( i=0;i<(sizeof(indexes)/4);i++)
   printf("%c",result[i]);              //printing the result
   return 0;

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