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原标题:scrollTo div on hover

I asked this question and the answer works really well.

The only thing though is that now I need a version that scrolls directly to the respective div instead of scrolling through all of them (i.e. if you hover over the last link, it won t scroll through 6 former divs to get to it).

It still needs to return to the first div when you aren t hovering over the link.

Also, it would be most ideal if there was also a way to stay on that div if you hover over it as well as its link. As of now, the div is not intractable because when you hover over it and leave its link, it scrolls away.




DEMO fiddle

var flag = false,
    goto = 0,

    $( #nav li a ).bind( mouseenter mouseleave , function(e) {
        if (e.type ===  mouseenter ) {
           flag = true;
           hre = $(this).attr( href );
           goto = $(hre).position().top;
           $( #sections ).stop().animate({top :  - +goto },800);  
        } else {
           flag = false;

            setTimeout(function() {
               if( flag != true ){
                  $( #sections ).stop().animate({top :  0  },800);  
            }, 1000);  

$( #sections ).mouseenter(function(){
   flag = true;

After you hover an anchor, go fast into the wrapper and it won t go back to the 1st slide.

BTW... why you just don t create something more... practique? :)

EXAMPLE fiddle



First you want to have the animation return the top when the user is not hovering over the link BUT you also want to be able to stay on the div when the user LEAVES the link and hovers over the div it scrolled to.


http://jsfiddle.net/YWnzc/8/>rel=“nofollow> http://jsfiddle.net/YWnzc/8/


Just move the elements around before animating: http://jsfiddle.net/YWnzc/12/.

我使用了$.dotimeout rel=“nofollow”>>,方便。 我也把这一数字与一个reg子相提并论。 排出时间是为了在不退步的情况下进入干.。

var current, prev;

jQuery( "#nav").delegate( "a", "mouseenter mouseleave", function(e){
    var i, self = this, pos;

    if( e.type == "mouseleave" ) {
        i = 1;   
    } else {
        i = $(this).attr("href").match(/(d)$/)[1];

    //stop the previous animation, otherwise it will be queued
    if(e.type === "mouseleave") {
        var elem = $("#section1").insertBefore(current);
        elem = $("#section1");
        $.doTimeout("test", 500, function() {
            current = $("#section1");
            jQuery("#wrapper").scrollTo(elem, 250);
    } else {
        var elem = $("#section" + i);
        elem.insertAfter(current || "#section1");
        current = elem;
        jQuery("#wrapper").scrollTo(elem, 250);

jQuery( "#wrapper").on("mouseover", function() {
    jQuery( "#wrapper").stop();


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