查阅 问题 http://www.ohchr.org。 它看起来像一个很常见的情况。 例如(前一个问题):
List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Pete", "B"), Student("Paul", A))"
List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Paul", A))
查阅 问题 http://www.ohchr.org。 它看起来像一个很常见的情况。 例如(前一个问题):
List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Pete", "B"), Student("Paul", A))"
List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Paul", A))
没有单一的指挥。 我最简短地知道——将组别everything,而不仅仅是作为中间标准的最高值
为了提高效率,文件夹是寻找钱财和最大程度以及各种类似事物的良好通用工具。 基本上,在积累一些答案时,你需要掌握你的收集工作。 在这种情况下,
(xs.head /: xs.tail) {
(biggest, next) => if (f(biggest) < f(next)) next else biggest
((xs.head, f(xs.head)) /: xs.tail) {
case (scored, next) =>
val nextscore = f(next)
if (scored._2 < nextscore) (next, nextscore)
else scored
只进行一次评价。 如果你想保持顺序,你可以修改顺序。
(Seq(xs.head) /: xs.tail) {
(bigs, next) =>
if (f(bigs.head) > f(next)) bigs
else if (f(bigs.head) < f(next)) Seq(next)
else bigs :+ next
val result = {
var bigs = xs.take(0).toList
var bestSoFar = f(xs.head)
xs.foreach{ x =>
if (bigs.isEmpty) bigs = x :: bigs
else {
val fx = f(x)
if (fx > bestSoFar) {
bestSoFar = fx
bigs = List(x)
else if (fx == bestSoFar) bigs = x :: bigs
case class Student(name: String, grade: String)
val students = List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Pete", "B"), Student("Paul", "A"))
val bestGrade = students.minBy(_.grade).grade
students.filter(_.grade == bestGrade) //List(Student(Mike,A), Student(Paul,A))
def multiMinBy[A,B](xs: Traversable[A])(f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]) = {
val minVal = f(xs minBy f)
xs filter (f(_) == minVal)
scala> multiMinBy(students)(_.grade)
res26: Traversable[Student] = List(Student(Mike,A), Student(Paul,A))
maxBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
maxBy _ [] = undefined
maxBy f (x:xs) = foldr step [x] xs
where step y acc@(z:_) = case f y z of
GT -> [y]
EQ -> y:acc
LT -> acc
[编辑] 谁,这是一个问题:
Translated to Scala, given a list xs
and a comparator compare
(List(xs.head) /: xs.tail) { (acc, y) =>
y compare acc.head match {
case 1 => List(y)
case 0 => y :: acc
case -1 => acc
class Student (val name: String, val grade: String) {
override def toString = grade + "::" + name
val students = List (new Student ("Mike", "A"), new Student ("Pete", "B"), new Student ("Paul", "A"))
功能性、保证性的解决办法,在T组清单中实现分化,以及比较2 Ts的方法:
// ext: extreme, o: other, s:sample(student)
def collectExtreme [T](l: List[T], ext: ((T, T) => Int), carry: List[T]=List.empty) : List[T] =
l match {
case Nil => carry
case s :: xs => carry match {
case Nil => collectExtreme (xs, ext, List (s))
case o :: _ => ext (s, o) match {
case 0 => collectExtreme (xs, ext, s :: carry)
case -1=> collectExtreme (xs, ext, l)
case 1 => collectExtreme (xs, ext, carry)
def cmp (s: Student, o: Student): Int = s.grade(0) - o.grade(0)
collectExtreme (students, cmp)
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