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我将如何创造我的SQL Schema?
原标题:How would I create this MySQL Schema?


  • It has many attributes
  • It has comments attached to it.
  • It has many states (deleted/locked/invisible, etc).
  • It has many "tags". (keywords, school_id, user_id)


But what about "states" or "tags"? Would you put that in another table? Or would you stick that in many columns?

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 特性是什么? 由于我的网站不断发展,博客员额的属性将增加(标题、作者、blah、blah.......)。 如果属性清单高达100,会发生什么情况?


首先,国家应当是一个结构严密的工作,因此,应该为它们设立单独的一栏。 想一开始你需要什么,但你可以轻易地在稍后再增加一栏或两栏。

Tags like keywords shouldn t be stored in columns, because the amount is growing rapidly over time. That wouldn t make any sense. So for that, build a table with id and keyword in it and a link table with post_id and keyword_id. You could also omit the keyword_id and directly link post_id and keyword. Make sure that both columns combined define the primary key, so you can not end up with a keyword stored several time to one particular post.

For attributes it can be the same. It is not a bad practice to create an attribute table with attribute_id, attribute_name and maybe more information and a link table attribute_id and post_id and content. You can also easily enhance it to be multilingual by using attribute_ids.


That s it for a brief overview.



同样。 它只是一个样本。 你可以采用其他办法。

Here we go:

-- basic-basic blog
CREATE TABLE blog_entry (
    blog_entry_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    blog_entry_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    blog_entry_text VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL,
    create_date DATETIME,
    state_id INT

-- create a look-up table for your blog entry s state
CREATE TABLE be_state (
     name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY (state_id)

-- create a look-up table for your blog entry s tag/s
     name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY (tag_id)

-- a table to store multiple tags to one entry
CREATE TABLE blog_entry_tags (
    blog_entry_id INT NOT NULL,
    tag_id INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (blog_entry_id, tag_id)

-- a table to store definitions of attributes
CREATE TABLE be_attribute (
    name CHAR(30)

-- now have a table to which you can assign multiple attributes to one blog
-- of course, this is if I understand you correctly
-- where you want to have additional attributes
-- aside from the basic properties of a blog entry 
-- and will allow you, if you choose to do it
-- to not necessarily have all attributes for each entry
CREATE TABLE blog_entry_attributes (
    blog_entry_id INT NOT NULL,
    attribute_id INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (blog_entry_id, attribute_id) 
    -- PK enforces one blog entry may have only one attribute of its type
    -- meaning, no multiple attributes of  location  attribute,
    -- for example, for one blog. Unless of course you wrote half the entry
    -- in one location and finished it in the next.. then you should
    -- NOT enforce this primary key
  1. www.un.org/chinese/sc/presidency.asp

  2. <代码>be_state - definition them here and内插入state_id Value in blog_enter.state_id

  3. <代码>be_tag/code> - 具有像我们在这里做的那样的多个标的

  4. <条码>blog_enter_tags-因为您可能拥有多个标子,用于一个博客条目,在此储存,并插入<条码>blog_enter_id和相应的<条码>be_tag_id。 一起。 每一博客条目中的一端。 意思是,你可以两次或两次以上对标的编号为php

  5. <代码>be_attribute - 仓储属地定义,如地点、作者等

  6. blog_enter_attributes - 类似于<代码>blog_enter_tags 您可向博客条目分配一个或多个<代码>be_attribute。

Again, this is just one approach.

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