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• 如何创建回归页,以适应世界吗?
原标题:How Do I Create Returning Page Setting with WorldPay?

The docs for WorldPay are are really poor for me to knowledge afterread and re-reading them forhour. (事实上,许多书都给我错失了的LURL,我不得不在网上看一看,与审判/审判者一起尝试事情,以便找到LL的生活。)

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我如何与世界公园一起创建返回网页? 因此,我指的是,当有人把这笔钱花在世界公园现场时,世界公园如果成功,就会自动将店主转回我的一页。 我想知道如何做到这一点。 我认为,我对它的看法如下,但不清楚它是否发挥作用?

<?php ?>
<form action="https://secure.wp3.rbsworldpay.com/wcc/purchase" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="testMode" value="0">
    <input type="hidden" name="instId" value="<?= $this->INST_ID ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="cartId" value="<?= $this->CART_ID ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?= $this->AMOUNT ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="<?= $this->CURRENCY_CODE ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="desc" value="Photos">
    <input type="hidden" name="MC_success" value="<?= $this->RETURNING_PAGE_ON_MY_SITE ?>">
    <input type="submit" value="Click here for the secure payment form">

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 世界 Pay tech支持说,现在的行动必须是“,而MC_success para amount则赢得t工作。 他建议我使用一个显示仪表板,这样我们就可以把结果一页用来冲动头盔,并将一个 met子转回我们的网页。 我举了一个例子,他说没有。 他可以做的是,见以下网站:http://www.world Pay.com/support/kb/bg/ Payresponse/pr5402.html“rel=“noreferer”>confus 文件,其中并没有真正描述这一点。 (我没有错过技工的支持——他刚刚用他提供的软弱工具开展工作)


在花了3-4天,阅读了世界薪酬的所有混淆和坏的文件之后,我发现,如何回到一页,处理世界薪回的答复。 我希望在数据库中添加有交易细节的记录。 因此,我寻求解决办法。 这里的解决方案对我有利:

  1. login to Worldpay, open desired installation to edit
  2. Tick on "Payment Response enabled?"
  3. Provide "Payment Response URL" to the page which will be receiving/processing the POST data from worldpay.
  4. Enter same url in "Shopper redirect url"
  5. Tick on "Shopper Redirect button enabled"
  6. Tick on "Enable the Shopper Response"
  7. If you use print_r($_POST) (For php users) on url entered in "Payment Response URL" you can see all the details returned by Worldpay.
  8. After processing you can use meta refresh technique to redirect user to some other page or you can print "thank you" message to the user on same page.


Edit : 《世界养恤金支付指南》

Edit : Here is a screenshot of my settings that worked for me screenshot of my settings


完全可以同情,这是为我安定的一条 night梦。 我没有在前面使用过CCM_success paraile,但只要我知道你可以做直截了当的回头,它就必须在付款后展示世界薪一页,但你可以定制这一页。

一旦付款成功(或不成功),世界付费就向用户显示一个超文本页面。 这些超文本页面存放在贵世界薪控制小组,如果你想要定制,你必须上载新的档案。 关于交易成败的文档分别为<代码>resultY.html和resultC.html

http://www.world Pay.com/support/kb/bg/customisingadvanced/custa.html。 《高级定制指南》()和《指南》(<>resultY.html>)的查询,将给您一些帮助。

In these files, Worldpay automatically substitues certain tags like <wpdisplay item=cartId> and <wpdisplay item=banner default=""> for actual data. I would login to your Worldpay control panel and download the files it currently uses, then customise from there.


<p><a href="http://example.com/worldpay/cartid/<wpdisplay item=cartId>">Redirect back to my shop</a></p>

...which will take the user back to my site with their cartId in the URL, from which I pull their order details and show a success page of my own. But you can create your own tags by sending along extra post fields in your sample form above. The names of the variables must be prefixed MC_, but you can then include them in your resultY.html file. Ie.

<form action="https://secure.wp3.rbsworldpay.com/wcc/purchase" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="testMode" value="0">
    <input type="hidden" name="instId" value="<?= $this->INST_ID ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="cartId" value="<?= $this->CART_ID ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?= $this->AMOUNT ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="<?= $this->CURRENCY_CODE ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="desc" value="Photos">

    <input type="hidden" name="MC_myText" value="This is my custom text">

    <input type="submit" value="Click here for the secure payment form">

载于resultY.html>。 档案仅包括标签<代码><WPDISPLAY ITEM=MC_myText>。 你们需要认识到,如果用户看到你付款页的来源,你的所有形式领域都可以看到,因此,将有效的<代码>MC_downloadLink<<>/code>下载到一些宝贵的下载是坏的。

Check out these pages, they re the most useful ones in the customising guide:

我希望,如果你有任何问题只是增加评论的话,那是有所帮助的。 Good!

编辑 Y.html并非严格必要,你可以通过使用“付款回应”特征,利用“付款页”编辑进行跳跃。

In the installation settings provide a URL for a script on your server and WorldPay will POST the following parameters to it once a payment has been authorised (or the shopper clicks Cancel on the payment page): http://www.worldpay.com/support/kb/bg/paymentresponse/pr5201.html

If you also enable the setting "Enable the shopper response" WorldPay will download any HTML the script you specified outputs and use this as the result page (hosted on their own server). (If you want any images hosted securely they ll need to be uploaded in the Payment Page Editor)



截至2020年 至今仍然有许多环节被打破:


我通过将这一额外形式领域添入形式员额来开展工作,我发现,在很多人似乎无关联的 go言之后,情况就是如此。

<input type="hidden" name="successURL" value="https://www.example.com/thanks/">

I hope it helps someone else.


You don t have to do any fiddling around with ResultY files any more - just specify a hidden field in your submit page with name set to successUrl, like this:


这可以包括你喜欢的任何领域。 在成功提交付款后,你又回去了这个URL。 couple:

  1. WorldPay won t take you back to a different URL. So if (like me) you re developing a site on your local computer, you ll have to publish your changes to your live site to test this.
  2. You get lots of other arguments in the query string - some useful (the payment amount and response), some less so (a couple of very long arguments called mac and mac2, whose meaning I know not).


@Chris确实回答了这一问题,但我最后谈到这个问题。 我确实使用了“教育参数”参数,但这样:

<input type="hidden" name="MC_success" value="Click here to return to the merchant: <?= $this->RETURNING_PAGE_ON_MY_SITE ?>">


<div><strong><WPDISPLAY ITEM=success></strong></div>


Click here to return to the merchant: http://example.com/my-success-return-link-here

现在,并非每个客户都知道如何这样做。 因此,在我正在修建的支付网关上,我把世界公园支付的人的行政管理交给了电子邮件,他们应该通过我们的产品的阿明界面,人工向客户发送照片。

Additionally, one must post this to the proper action URL, which I corrected in my original post in the EDIT section above.

Last but not least, note that we cannot do an automatic redirection. In fact, WorldPay has a policy strictly prohibiting it, which is in red on this page:

rel=“nofollow” http://www.world Pay.com/support/kb/bg/ Payresponse/pr5402.html

Warning: 禁止使用车间应对功能进行自动转播,造成故障,并可能中止<>。







Tick on "Shopper Redirect button enabled"

And put responce.php in root directory

测试。 根基中的 t


你们可以找到员额数据阵列来测试。 txt

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