rel=“nofollow> 这里是 Apple果文件。
Once you have created an instance of UILocalNotification, you schedule
it using one of two methods of the UIApplication class:
scheduleLocalNotification: or presentLocalNotificationNow:. The former
method use the fire date to schedule delivery; the latter method
presents the notification immediately, regardless of the value of
fireDate. You can cancel specific or all local notifications by
calling cancelLocalNotification: or cancelAllLocalNotifications,
So you can cancel the notification and then schedule it again using
rel=“nofollow> 这里是 Apple果文件。
Note: Prior to iOS 4.2, this property was a read-only method. A setter
method has been added and the method has been converted to a
read-write property. When you set this property, UILocalNotification
replaces all existing notifications by calling
cancelLocalNotification: and then calling scheduleLocalNotification:
for each new notification.