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Javascript - use of inner xenophobia 守则审查中的“id”方法
原标题:Javascript - usage of innerHTML & id methods in code review



WHAT IT DOES: When the blue button is pressed, a div should appear on top of the box containing the 5000 number.

我面临的问题是使用内装的超文本和安放;向有活力的零件分配补助。 我没有在火焰中发现任何错误,因此我不敢确定什么/什么是错的。


eCreditTransactions[i].id = ("trans" + i);

eCreditTransactions[i].innerHTML =  <div class="cCreditContainer"><span class="cCreditsNo">-50</span>&nbsp;<img class="cCurrency" src="" alt="" /></div><span class="cCloseMsg">Click box to close.</span><div class="dots"></div><div class="dots"></div><div class="dots"></div> ;


var eCreditSystem = document.getElementById("creditSystem");
var i = 0;
var eCreditTransactions = new Array(6);                 // 6 instances created which will be recycled

function createCreditTransaction ()                 // func called when a transaction occurs, at the mo, attached to onclick()
    if (i < 6)
        eCreditTransactions[i] = undefined;                 // to delete the existing data in the index of array
        addingElements (i);                 // calling function
    } else
    if (i > 5 || eCreditTransactions[i] != undefined)
        i = 0;
        eCreditTransactions[i] = undefined;
        addingElements (i);

function addingElements (arrayIndex)                    // func called from within the  createCreditTransaction()  func
    eCreditTransactions[i] = $(document.createElement( div )).addClass("cCreditTransaction").appendTo(eCreditSystem);

// the problem area

    eCreditTransactions[i].id = ("trans" + i);
    eCreditTransactions[i].innerHTML =  <div class="cCreditContainer"><span class="cCreditsNo">-50</span>&nbsp;<img class="cCurrency" src="" alt="" /></div><span class="cCloseMsg">Click box to close.</span><div class="dots"></div><div class="dots"></div><div class="dots"></div> ;

    return i++;




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