English 中文(简体)
原标题:Jquery dynamic plus/minus symbol toggle

I m 采用jquery toggle script。 我真的希望有一个加(+)的标志,在角逐点开始的时候,在标题中显示,如果是,则显示(-)的符号。


$( #toggle-view li ).click(function () {

    var text = $(this).children( p );

    if (text.is( :hidden )) {
        text.slideDown( 200 );
        $(this).children( span ).html( - );     
    } else {
        text.slideUp( 200 );
        $(this).children( span ).html( + );     


$(".parents-toggle > div").click(function () {
$(".parents-toggle > div.iteminfo-toggle").not($(this).siblings()).slideUp();

页: 1

<div class="parents-toggle">
<div class="itemheading2_toggle">Heading</div>
<div class="iteminfo-toggle hidden">
text goes here





var parent = $( #toggle-view ), // storing main ul for use below
    delay = 200; // storing delay for easier configuration

// bind the click to all headers
$( li h3 , parent).click(function() {

    // get the li that this header belongs to
    var li = $(this).closest( li );

    // check to see if this li is not already being displayed
    if (!$( p , li).is( :visible ))
        // loop on all the li elements
        $( li , parent).each(function() {

            // slide up the element and set it s marker to  +  
            $( p , $(this)).slideUp(delay);
            $( span , $(this)).text( + );

        // display the current li with a  -  marker
        $( p , li).slideDown(delay);
        $( span , li).text( - );

Check out http://jsfiddle.net/v9Evw/ to see it in action.


    else {
        $( p , li).slideUp(delay);
        $( span , li).text( + );  

http://jsfiddle.net/v9Evw/1/“rel=“nofollow”) http://jsfiddle.net/v9 Evw/1/,以了解最新情况。


How about this?


<div class="parents-toggle">
    <div class="itemheading2_toggle"><span class="symbol">-</span>Heading</div>
<div class="iteminfo-toggle hidden">
text goes here

js: toggle +/- 文号

$(".parents-toggle > div").click(function () {
    $(".parents-toggle > div.iteminfo-toggle").not($(this).siblings()).slideUp();

    // toggle open/close symbol
    if($( .itemheading2_toggle span ).text() ==  - ){
        $( .itemheading2_toggle span ).text( + );   
    } else {
        $( .itemheading2_toggle span ).text( - );


If you used fontawesome or any other web icons, you could take advantage of jQuery s hasClass and add/remove class functions. I prefer this because the code looks cleaner.

I prefer carets instead of plus-minus. You can use fa-plus fa-minus instead

$( .reveal1 ).click(function(){
    $( .optional-field1 ).toggle(200);
    var child = $(this).children();
    if(child.hasClass( fa-caret-down ))
        child.removeClass( fa-caret-down ).addClass( fa-caret-up );
        child.removeClass( fa-caret-up ).addClass( fa-caret-down );

    return false;
<link href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.1.0/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<a class="reveal1" href="#">Toggle Expand <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a>

<p class="optional-field1" style="display: none;">
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