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原标题:Is there any editor like jsfiddle available for local machine [closed]

您可以创建简单的文本档案,如test.html,然后写上 your本,并在浏览器上打开文件。 如果你想提及任何图书馆,那么就把图书馆下载到同样的夹子里,并提及这些图书馆。

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
    alert("Hello World!");

<div id="foo">
    Hello World


你们是否曾尝试过有关火器的成文法? 它是最好的工具一。

edit: for html/css there s a lot of tools that might help (actually i sits on windows but there s no special app that might be useful), on mac there s coda or espresso which is typical (and not typical) wysywig tool and have live preview mode, as far as i know coda offers a cheap support of javascript.

for夫英/开发器工具中的javascript firebug in safari, chrome。

on windows: Microsoft Web Expression 4.0 is available for HTML/CSS.
there are extensions like code cola for chrome. Chrome s inspector tool is awesome too. you can also use Firebug in FireFox.

For jQuery, there are extensions for Google Chrome. with or without documentation. like jquery shell. jquery browser. For CSS there are extensions like code cola.
though you will need web-server for extensions in chrome to work. like IIS. create a virtual directory in IIS for that.


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