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Sybase-Perl DBLib绘图,第4条论据与数字数据系统连接
原标题:Sybase-Perl DBLib mapping of fourth argument to DBI Connect

I am converting a perl script from DBlib to DBI for sybase connections. I am Implementing kerberos. what is the function of the fourth argument (the name of the perl script) in the DBLib connection and equivalent in DBI? eg. DBLib Connection:

$dbh     = new Sybase::DBlib $USER, $PASS, $SRV, "file.pl";

This is equal to -

$dsn = "dbi:sybase:server=$SRV;kerberos=$kerbprincipal;字母Name=file.pl";    
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,"","");

我在以下几处发现了DBI 字母Name from cpan.org



Answer: The fourth argument in dblib and 字母Name in dbi sets the program_name column in sysprocess table. this can be used in logs and monitoring the database.


我认为,在MSQ服务器中的应用连接特征基本上在玩具加工桌上结束(因此,SQ和服务器开始使用Sybase)。 我认为,Sybase中的申请名称:DBlib相当于DBD中的“新”:Sybase。 我现在不能证明这一点,因为我不再有Sybase。



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