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原标题:Perl s rename - how to append a counter?

http://www.evolt.org/renaming_files_with_perl” rel=“nofollow”>renamingutil,这些装置与Perl的安装有关。 如何在Perl regexp中附上反响? 这是一个相关的问题,例如,目前名录中档案的编号问题:

rename  s/^/<here I d like 纽约总部 have a number of a file being processed>/g  * 




1 - fileA
2 - fileB
3 - fileC


I ve added the counter feature ($c variable) - see here. It works fine - but when I try 纽约总部 specify the counter format:

rename_c.pl -c 5.2f  s/^/$c - /  * 


 Useless use of concatenation (.) or string in void context at line 120. 

and it doesn t really use the format I 纽约总部ld it 纽约总部 use. This must be some simple syntax mistake in a line number 120. Can You please take a look?


The line of code in question is:

$c = sprintf(eval("%" . "$form", $cNumber));

页: 1 在这里,你可以简单地确定形式,以示:

$c = sprintf("%$form", $cNumber));




$ rename  $_ = sprintf "%d - %s", ++$count, $_  files...

如果你在macOS,并且使用通过<代码>brew 更名为<>/代码>的安装工具,那么应当采取以下措施:

rename -N ...01 -X -e  $_ = "${_}-counter-$N"  your_files


> rename -n -N ...01 -X -e  $_ = "${_}-counter-$N"  *.png
 iPad-Pro12.9-4g at 11.24.52.png  would be renamed to  iPad-Pro12.9-4g at 11.24.52-counter-01.png 
 iPad-Pro12.9-4g at 11.25.09.png  would be renamed to  iPad-Pro12.9-4g at 11.25.09-counter-02.png 
 iPad-Pro12.9-4g at 11.25.17.png  would be renamed to  iPad-Pro12.9-4g at 11.25.17-counter-03.png 

http://www.strong.html。 本身


perl -le  ($old=$_) && s/^/++$n."-$`"/eg && print for <*.txt> 


perl -le  ($old=$_) && s/^/++$n."-$`"/eg && rename($old,$_) for <*.txt> 

  • perl -le run a one-liner
  • ($old=$_) save the old name
  • s/^/++$n."-$`"/eg do the substitution | note that it has a back-tick
    • /^/ match the begging
    • ++$n start a counter from 1
    • ."-$`" append counter to this
    • /eg run globally and e is for evaluation
  • rename($old,$_) rename the $old => $_
  • for <*.txt> loop over list of txt file

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 您可以重新命名一切照样,并提前重新命名您可能希望使用的



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