English 中文(简体)
原标题:why the mail function not working
  • 时间:2011-11-24 12:23:55
  •  标签:
  • php

Why the mail function not sending mail to me ,Could any one please help me ? Here i have wrote script to mail sending. Is there any other settings to send mail. But the mail function printing always "Success" , but the mail not received to me.

$Msg = "Your Suggestion is saved successfully. Please wait for admin approval";
        $subject="New Suggestion Posted - Waiting for approval";

        //$email_id =  [email protected] ;
        $email_id =  [email protected] ;
        $mail_msg="Hello Admin,<br><br>New Suggestion Posted. Waiting for approval.<br><br>
         Suggestion : ".$frmdata[ description ]."<br><br> Click here for <a href= http://www.tatanykshipping.com/index.php >login</a><br><br> Thanks,<br>The TATA NYK Team";  

        $headers  =  MIME-Version: 1.0  . "
        $headers .=  Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1  . "
        $headers .= "From: Tata NYK <".$_SESSION[ EMAIL_ID ].">
        $headers .= "Organization: Tata NYK
        echo  <br>sending mail to =  ,$email_id; 
          echo  <br>Successs ;
          echo  <br>Fail ; 



如果您的PHP应用程序在Lino上运行,并期望从该系统寄出邮件,你需要运输。 我使用发送邮件,但还可以使用其他开放源运输。 你可能还必须安装电子邮件客户,但我不知道邮电公司如何与邮寄邮件互动。 我的申请像电子邮件客户一样,需要安装电子邮件客户。

You also need to make sure that the email recipient will accept unsolicited port 25 traffic. Because of spam-ware, our firewall won t accept unsolicited port 25 traffic, so I have doctored up sendmail to log into our email server as a legitimate email account.



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