i 我在项目中使用Repast Simphony,图书馆载有许多条令。 与此同时,我正在使用GeoTools,由于Repast Simphony使用2.3.3的地托器,并且想使用2.7的地托器,因此这些设备是冲突。
问题不在于如何从Repast Simphony中删除某些jar。 添加这一句,即正确点击该项目,并选择<>Repast Simphony> Add Repast Simphony to this project
in the build path i can t edit that library. under the bulid path, after i press edit the only thing i can change is the name of the library. and in the .project file i found
<buildCommand> <name>repast.simphony.eclipse.repast_simphony_builder</name> <arguments> </arguments> </buildCommand>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="REPAST_SIMPHONY_SUPPORT"/>
then i suspend all validators and remove the confilcted jars from the Repast library, however, it s not working. i can t build project due to lack of jars. so i am think about to edit some files to cross those conflict jars from the repast library, but i don t know how?
有一个“C:Program fileseclipseplugins epast.simphony.core_2.0.0plugin_jpf.xml”档案和“C:Program fileseclipseplugins epast.simphony.core_2.0.0META-INF MANIFEST.MF”档案。 在以上2份档案中,所有档案都列有。 我排除了某些jar路,但没有区别。