I think I m hearing that you need a way to monitor whether each step within the calculations being performed was executed.
在VB中,你可以使用、可计算和,计算,将整个工作表格定为“Dirty”(计算方法),然后重新计算。 这一进程与你当前进程的主要区别是,我们将以人工方式开展这些行动one worksheet。 通过在万国邮局内部的某个时间启动计算单,您将能够采取额外的中间行动,以跟踪你在计算过程中的距离。
Please note that this approach assumes a fairly linear workbook structure such that your workbook will produce the correct results if we first recalculate Sheet1, then Sheet2, Sheet3, and so on, in whatever order you wish. If your formula dependencies are more "spaghetti" than linear, this probably won t work for you. It also assumes you are working in Excel 2000 or later.
For example, you could write a VBA routine that accomplishes the following steps.
You will need to know your dependencies in order to know which calculations must come before others, and start with the worksheet in a "clean" state where no calculations are currently pending.
<>Step 1 在需要重新计算的第一个工作表格中确定积极表格
<>Step 2 2. 确定人工计算方式如下:
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
<>Step 3:“Dirty” 整个活页如下:
With ActiveSheet
.EnableCalculation = False
.EnableCalculation = True
Step 4: Initiate a recalculation for this worksheet only (not the entire workbook) using:
End With
请注意,如果计算方式自动确定,第3步将在整个工作手册中重新计算。 通过使用手法和手法,我们正在把这一计算限制在目前的表格中。
现在,你们已经推迟并重新安排了第一张纸张(hur!)。 现在,通过将上面第3和第4步骤纳入“For/Each或For/Next loop”,你可以在工作手册中重复每个工作单的程序。 同样,确保你知道需要计算你的工作表格的顺序(如果需要订单)。
现在,通过在你行程中形成一个反变量,你可以跟踪你在计算时的距离,每当你完成一次工作单计算时,更新你的反变值。 例如,在你重新计算工作单之后,你可以将反面价值确定为现值+1,并将结果储存在全球变量中(因此,即使在您的传统目的之后,结果仍将存在),也可以储存在你的工作桌上。 这样,你就可以在计算完成或中断之前检查这一价值,看看有多少工作表格得到更新。
I won t go into detail about how to construct a "counter", loops, or global variables here, but if needed, this information can be easily found using your favorite search engine. I would also highly recommend re-enabling automatic calculations once you are done as it is easy to forget that it s been set to manual mode.
I hope this works for you - for more information on calculation modes and recalculation, this is a helpful link: