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原标题:Statfs return strange values

I m currently trying to get disk space in byte en used space in byte with statfs(). I made a small function but i get really strange values. (I m working on a ubuntu 32bit system)


CheckDiskSpace( const CLString &devPath, ulonglong &diskSize, ulonglong &totalFreeBytes )
bool retVal = false;
struct statfs fs;
if( ( statfs( devPath.c_str(), &fs ) ) < 0 ) {
    printf( "Failed to stat %s: %s
", devPath.c_str() ,strerror( errno ) );
    return false;
} else {
    diskSize = fs.f_blocks * fs.f_bsize;
    totalFreeBytes = fs.f_bfree * fs.f_bsize;
    retVal = true;
return retVal;

int main()
  ulonglong diskSize, totalFreeBytes;
  CheckDiskSpace( "/dev/sda5", diskSize, totalFreeBytes );
  printf( "Disk size: %llu Byte
", diskSize );
  printf( "Free size: %llu Byte
", totalFreeBytes );


Disk size: 1798447104 Byte
Free size: 1798443008 Byte


Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5            111148848  47454952  58047832  45% /
udev                   1756296         4   1756292   1% /dev
tmpfs                   705324       912    704412   1% /run
none                      5120         0      5120   0% /run/lock
none                   1763300      1460   1761840   1% /run/shm

Any help is very appeciated !


EDIT: ulonglong is a predifined type:

typedef unsigned long long ulonglong;

您正在获得在<代码>/dev上安装的标语结果,因为/dev/sda5正在这一文档系统中。 如欲了解您的原始档案系统,仅使用<代码>/<>/code>或<代码>上的任何途径。


i 认为你想要的是:

CheckDiskSpace( "/dev/sda5", &diskSize, &totalFreeBytes );

由于磁盘和总数 在米斯克航天公司,自由布局与贵方的代码没有变化。

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