English 中文(简体)
原标题:Does reducing the number of http requests matter if they are cached?

我的网站有大约10份参考的CSS和Java(JS)文件,因此我可以合并,只有2份CSS和JS文件供网络浏览者下载。 合并档案将减少吉大港山区的申请数量,减少页数。

我的问题是:如果这10个特别安全局和联合材料档案在第一页的负荷之后被搁置,那么第二页的负荷时间是否与只有2个特别安全局和联合材料档案的网页一样快? 我想这样说,因为单列档案不需要吉大港山区的请求。 我的理解是,有一些指挥文字可以自动地将安保科和联合材料档案合并用于部署,但这样做会使今后可能在网站上工作的初级专业人员/网络设计者复杂化。 该网站是一个慈善组织,很少有控制和可用的人力资源来检查和检查事情。

Update: My assumptions that using a cached file do not require an HTTP is wrong.


Yes, you should reduce number of requests even if resources are cached. Two reasons:

<>strong1> 即使在有线索的文件上也只打了很小的性能(每份档案)。

If you profile your website, you will see that for every resource there is still a roundtrip being made to the server. If the resource has not been updated the server will return HTTP status code 304 - Not Modified, otherwise it will return HTTP status code 200 (and the resource itself).



As you can see, even though the CSS file is cached, a request was made to make sure the cached version is up to date.




Yes you should, browsers will get content size to determine whether the file has been changed or not. So no matter if browser already cached it ,it will always send http requests.

事实是,一旦文件装上并注明日期,就会有多少份卷宗和小 j被分开,速度就会相同。

Of course, every time a user clears their cache the 10 files will be served again, thus causing more http requests.

In general, it s better to have as few files to server as possible, especially when your site is visited by a large number of users. Whenever you can save on http requests you should.

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