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原标题:How do i get the object from one sub to the other sub
  • 时间:2012-01-13 03:12:49
  •  标签:
  • vb.net

What i am trying to do is to get the intGuestID1 from page_load to be used in bth_add area Because i am trying to get the ID when it has been clicked from another form to frmAddFollowUp so i tried to request it from the page_load as when i request from the add button, it only gives me the number 0 instead of the id from the previous form.

Partial Class frmAddFollowUp
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles   Me.Load

    Dim objCDBFeedback As New CDBFeedback
    Dim objCDBDepartment As New CDBDepartment

    Dim intGuestID1 As Integer
    Dim arrList As New ArrayList

    If Page.IsPostBack = False Then
        intGuestID1 = Request.QueryString("id")

        arrList = objCDBDepartment.getAllDepartmentDropDownList
        lstDepartment.DataSource = arrList
        lstDepartment.DataTextField = "DepartmentName"
        lstDepartment.DataValueField = "Department"

    End If

End Sub

Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
    Dim CheckBoolean As Boolean = True
    Dim objCDBFeedback As New CDBFeedback
    Dim objCFeedback As New CFeedback

    If txtStaffName.Text = "" Then
        lblValidateStaffName.Text = "*Please enter Staff Name."
        CheckBoolean = False

        lblValidateStaffName.Text = ""
    End If

    If txtFollowUpSummary.Text = "" Then
        lblValidateFollowUpSummary.Text = "*Please enter Follow up summary."
        CheckBoolean = False
    ElseIf txtFollowUpSummary.Text.Contains(" ") Then
        txtFollowUpSummary.Text = txtFollowUpSummary.Text.Replace(" ", "  ")
        lblValidateFollowUpSummary.Text = ""
    End If

    If txtAmount2.Text = "" Then
        lblValidateAmount2.Text = "*Please enter the Amount or put in NIL if there is no amount."
        CheckBoolean = False
        lblValidateAmount2.Text = ""
    End If

    If CheckBoolean = False Then

        If txtStaffName.Text.Contains("  ") Then
            txtStaffName.Text = txtStaffName.Text.Replace("  ", " ")
        End If
        If txtFollowUpSummary.Text.Contains("  ") Then
            txtFollowUpSummary.Text = txtFollowUpSummary.Text.Replace("  ", " ")
        End If

        Dim intNumOfRecordsAffected As Integer
        objCFeedback.GuestId = intGuestID1
        objCFeedback.Feedback = txtFollowUpSummary.Text
        objCFeedback.Department = lstDepartment.SelectedItem.Value
        objCFeedback.StaffName = txtStaffName.Text

        objCFeedback.Amount = txtAmount2.Text

        intNumOfRecordsAffected = objCDBFeedback.addNewFollowUp(objCFeedback)
    End If

End Sub

You may either specify ByRef parameter type or use Function that returns reference of an object. In your code-snippet, you may declare variable at class-level (fields) so you may use them in different event handlers/sub.

in ID1是一个私人成员变量。 这将使你能够利用这两项职能中的这一变量。

该法典是否编纂? 我看不到在BtnAdd_Click中宣布的GuestID1号,这应当犯错。

2. 宣布私人成员变数后加上以下文字:

Partial Class frmAddFollowUp 
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page 

Private _intGuestID1 as Integer   The _ prefix is just a naming convention that is used for class member variables, if you don t like it, you can remove it. 

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles   Me.Load 

页: 1 Load方法,去除Dim intGuestID1 ,因为你不再需要宣布这一点。 最后,在座任何地方,见于tGuestID1, 改称_intGuestID1。

此外,可能重新证明这一点的一些途径是,只产生一种可推崇以下事实的阅读财产:你从金库中重新获得。 见以下例子:

Private ReadOnly Property GuestID1() as Int32
   Return Request.QueryString("id") 
End Get
End Property

这样做的好处之一是在使用之前对价值进行任何检查,例如,其实际数量在请求中储存。 学历(“id”),或者用户可以接触由这种补贴所代表的实体,或者你可以想到的。 当你这样做时,你就不得不改变对嘉宾ID1的所有提及。

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