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创建无处不在的废墟上的沥青 上午
原标题:Creating Alt Codes on a Laptop Without Them

我的膝上型计算机有几台垫子,但它没有一台NumLock钥匙,而且该垫子实际上只是上面数字的翻版。 在我发布这些钥匙时发出的虚拟关键守则证实了这一点。

在压力下的关键和固定数字时,我试图制定一项小型方案,以清除斜线编码。 我使用的是低层键盘(我有类似的格式在另一个方案中工作),首先检查一下,看看是否有一条带钥匙。 如果是的话,我通过《科索沃法典》0x30-0x39(0-9条钥匙)。 如果其中一人在此刻被击落,我就放弃了实际的中风,退回了价值1的数值,而是发送了该钥匙的金字塔(此时此刻仍在 press下)。

I can confirm that the hook is being reached, and that the alt key being down is being recognized successfully. However, when I check for matches on 0-9, either only a couple are printed before nothing matches after that, or I have to lift up and press down the alt key every time I press a number. Additionally, one number may be printed 16 times after releasing alt having pressed a number, and then holding down alt and pressing another (this one is 16x).

此外,我可以通过复制从头ook中复制件来证实SendInput序列的工作,将其置于主要功能中,并以0x30取代。 文本文件一经编辑,就会打上0字。

在文本文件中将ALT(down)+6+5+ALT(up)搁置下来时,“65”就是所显示的。 如果加上另一个异常低价竞标+6,则有166个。

Hook Procedure:

LRESULT CALLBACK proc (int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM event) //hook proc
    if (code < HC_ACTION) //don t process if not meant to
        return CallNextHookEx (0, code, wParam, event); 

    if (GetAsyncKeyState (VK_MENU) & 0x8000) //if either alt is down
        for (int i = 0x30; i <= 0x39; ++i) //loop 0-9
            if (GetAsyncKeyState (i) & 0x8000) //if index is down
                cout << "MATCH
"; //debug

                input.ki.wVk = i + 0x30; //set VK code to numpad version of index
                input.ki.dwFlags = 0; //key is being pressed
                SendInput (1, &input, sizeof (INPUT)); //send keystroke down

                input.ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; //key is being released
                SendInput (1, &input, sizeof (INPUT)); //send keystroke up

                while (GetAsyncKeyState (i) & 0x8000) //wait for normal key to be released
                    Sleep (10); //don t hog CPU

                return 1; //discard normal key
            } //end if match
        } //end for
    } //end if alt

    return CallNextHookEx (0, code, wParam, event); //if any key not handled, pass on
} //end function

最后,我回过来,在经过一些更多的试验之后,我发现,从方案上向[阿、中、英、法、俄、西]派发[阿、英、法、俄、西]没有任何结果。 我发现这一困难,因为尽管没有这些关键因素,我还是能够对马基斯的批量控制关键点进行微调。




  1. Download the BIOS 203 (I don t know if 202 works or not, I went from 201 to 203).
  2. Put the file on a FAT32-formatted flash drive.
  3. Restart the computer and either press F4 to go right into EasyFlash, or navigate to it through the BIOS. The Winflash program that comes with it doesn t work.
  4. Select the updated BIOS file on the flash drive.
  5. Now the numlock light will always be on and the number pad will have the virtual key codes of a number pad, not the numbers above the letters. This naturally includes ALT codes working.


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