English 中文(简体)
• 如何显示文件浏览器,点击案文,并在对案文进行 h变时将其变换成点
原标题:How to display file browser from click on text and have mouse cursor change to pointer when hovering text

当用户点击我网页上的一个链接时,我试图显示一个档案选择器。 我只看一线,但还没有找到完整的解决办法。


目前,我正在采用这样一种做法,即我把档案场的不透明性确定为零,把档案放在顶端,从而有效地拦截任何点击该链接。 问题在于,当用户的 cur子over倒链接时,我可以 figure出一种改变的方法,因为档案材料掩盖了这一联系,而档案材料不允许这种搭配。 我给所有直系亲属都提供了风格的曲线:指点器,但还没有uck。

Does anyone have an idea of a different approach I could take in order to get the cursor to change to a pointer on hover of my link? Is my best bet going to be going with something like they have at http://www.uploadify.com/?


To explain a little better, I have this file input on my page:

<div class="logo_file">
    <input id="logo_file_field" type="file">


.logo_file {
    position: absolute;  /* this element s parent has position: relative */
    top: -65px;
    left: 0;
    width: 175px;
    overflow: hidden;
    cursor: pointer;
input#logo_file_field {
    opacity: 0;
    -moz-opacity: 0;
    filter: alpha(opacity=0);
    cursor: pointer;


<div class="logo_link_wrap">
    <a id="logo_change_link">Change Photo</a>


.logo_link_wrap {
    margin-top: 38px;
    cursor: pointer;

现在 我把看不见的档案放在这个链接上,但是,当你把一个环节 h倒时, cur子并没有变成像你那样的点子。 档案选择人确实显示,这实际上只不过是 cur子不改变,而把我搁置起来。 增 编


The problem is that you are placing the input field over the link and making the input field invisible by using opacity:0;. But the input field is still there and is blocking the cursor access to the link. Would it not be better to replace the opacity with display:none?

<代码> 显示:none, 您隐藏输入领域,将其从流量中删除。 我假定,你想要利用这一联系来积极发挥投入领域的上载功能,我也假设你知道如何这样做。


<a href="#"><input type="file" ... /></a> 

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