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原标题:How can I modify the DroidGap.class file from phonegap-1.0.0.jar archive in eclipse?

I am really very new on android development. I have made 2-3 apps , those running on my android device already.

最后几天 我正面临一个棘手的问题。

The problem is , creating the app fullscreen for every device. I have read phone gaps wiki and tried with specific way. But I failed everytime. When I m trying to open the DroidGap.class from my Android eclipse project explorer , I got a error. that, "DroidGap.class has no source attached". (after build the phonegap.jar)

Please help me....

  • Use the AppLaud Eclipse Plugin for PhoneGap Android
  • Download and unzip the PhoneGap sources from GitHub
  • In the AppLaud wizard, select "Enter path to installed PhoneGap"
  • Enter the directory path to the unzipped sources from GitHub
  • Now you will be able to modify and debug the sources that comprise phonegap.jar

Caveat: I m the creator of the AppLaud Plugin

  1. first you need to add phonegap.jar to your project
  2. you need to add phone gap plugin to your eclipse

fullscreen? If you want modify DroidGap.class dowload source code from github and rebuild phonegap.


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