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JDI: How to pause a Java application (JVER) as in the debugger
原标题:JDI: How to pause a Java application (JVM) like in the debugger

I am looking for potentially a JDI API to pause the JVM at any arbitrary point during its execution. Looking at the BreakPointRequest createBreakpointRequest method needs a specific location. Is there any other API that does not need a location or someway to get current Location that could be passed to create a breakpoint.

我基本上寻求一种方式来附上和暂停申请,然后利用JVERTI代理接受“突破点”活动的回击,以进行进一步处理。 增 编


断点只具有源地的含义。 也许最好通过中止目前由联合考试委员会管理的所有座椅,任意中止你的申请。 <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/platform/jvmti/jvmti.html#SuspendThreadList”rel=“nofollow”>SuspendreadList(>>/a>或 follow 这一机制将是你所期待的暂停。


i think jdb - The Java Debugger will be the best option. please check the url about the jdb

rel=“nofollow” http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.3/docs/tooldocs/solaris/jdb.html

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