English 中文(简体)
• 与PHP DOM有两个超文本问题: 1. OMDocument:createEntityReference$name Value and 2.) how to Plus multi CSS各班元件?
原标题:Having Two HTML issues with PHP DOM: 1.) DOMDocument::createEntityReference $name values and 2.) how to add multiple CSS classes an element?

与PHP DOM合作——超文本处理。


  1. Recently read that, there is better way to output special html characters (e.g. ©): DOMDocument::createEntityReference() method. Main advantage is, you don t need to use htmlentities, it will be automatically escaped. For ex: $copyright_symbol = $document->createEntityReference("copy");. Now, the problem is, where can I find characters code reference? In my case I need php equalent of × (× symbol)
  2. What if I want to set muliple classes to element? Can I do it like that $el->setAttribute( class , class1 class2 ... ) ??

here you can see character codes as well as friendly names. For your &#215, you will use "times" and for the second question, yes, you can do it like that.



CSS working only in Firefox

I am trying to create a search text-field like on the Apple website. The HTML looks like this: <div class="frm-search"> <div> <input class="btn" type="image" src="http://www....

image changed but appears the same in browser

I m writing a php script to crop an image. The script overwrites the old image with the new one, but when I reload the page (which is supposed to pickup the new image) I still see the old one. ...

Firefox background image horizontal centering oddity

I am building some basic HTML code for a CMS. One of the page-related options in the CMS is "background image" and "stretch page width / height to background image width / height." so that with large ...

Separator line in ASP.NET

I d like to add a simple separator line in an aspx web form. Does anyone know how? It sounds easy enough, but still I can t manage to find how to do it.. 10x!
