可能有更多的选择。 如何决定谁使用? 良好的Schala中级知识选择的特性是什么(用 p;-)。 一方面,我要谈谈Aka,因为它是Sfe Scala角的一部分,但另一方面,如Finagle公司有一套丰富的图书馆,很容易.。 Spray看起来是冰,而且很简单。
任何建议、见解或经验都将受到高度赞赏。 我确信,那里的人必须具备一些经验,以分享思想。
我热爱重新讨论这一问题。 对这一问题的妥善回答将有助于新的电梯避免相关陷阱。
These are my own experiences since asking this question:
Finagle - I used Finagle for a project and it s rock solid.
Spray - In my latest project I m using Spray and I m extremely happy. The latest releases are built on Akka 2 and you can run it directly with the Spray-can library which removes the need for a web server. Spray is a set of libraries, rather than a framework and is very modular. The Learn about Spray: REST on Akka video gives a great overview, and this blog at Cakesolutions shows a really nice development approach and architecture.
人口流动快。 如果你不停,一劳永逸,你会错失。 -
These days the choice has become simpler. In my humble opinion Spray has won the battle. It is being integrated into Akka to become the next Akka HTTP. I have been using Spray now on multiple projects and can honestly say that it s fantastic and best supported software I have ever encountered.
这没有回答最初的问题,但至少在一定程度上说明了为什么Spray似乎在大多数情况下是最佳选择。 它极其灵活、没有锁定和非常稳定。 图书馆既有客户图书馆,也有服务器边图书馆,也有巨大的测试机。 此外,还对这些统计进行了研究,以了解业绩:Web Frameworks。