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亲爱的融合与游戏! 框架
原标题:Orbeon integration with Play! Framework?

如果有人试图将“游戏”融为一体,我就非常奇怪。 Framework with orbeon ?


Here is a simple HelloWorld application in orbeon. As you see there is xhtml code while in Play! we have html...




Recently, someone has posted a FormEE plugin on the play mailinglist - take a look at this.


Manage dependencies in a Play Framework app

I m trying to figure out the proper tools for managing dependencies between JARs. I have a Play Framework app, which imports a JAR (based on another project I m writing). This JAR imports other JARs, ...

Deploy Play! application as executable jar

Is it possible to bundle Play! web application to executable jar instead of war? Could it just be run on localhost at some port just like when using "play run" command? (without the need of installing ...

JPA: Store fileAttachment into the database

I would like to know if there is any way I can store a fileAttachment directly into the database with JPA. I have an attribute: public fileAttachement logo; I have tried to change it to: @Lob ...

Java Web Development and Automatic Feedback

I ve been having a (ironic) play around with the Play Framework and have been impressed thus far. I was just curious as to what other Java frameworks are out there that have a similar feature to Play ...

Java web frameworks

I was looking around to see if there is an equivalent to django/RoR in java. I found: Play Framework Grails Does anyone have ever tried those frameworks, or do you know any other? Are they faster ...
