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如何最佳地翻译铁路运输路线中的红 the
原标题:What is the best way to translate slugs in Rails routes

I m trying to achieve full internationalization of my routes in a Rails3.1 app. I m already using Francesc Pla s rails-translate-routes to localize route actions and resources. The last step is to be able to translate slugs for some of my models.


http://myhost.com/products/pharmacy --> http://myhost.com/productos/farmacia


# routes.rb
match  products/:category_slug  => "products#index"

我有一个示范类,其实例为:#<Category id: 1, slug: “pharmacy”>, I do find_by_slug 主计长。

关于如何翻译<代码>的任何想法:类别_slug 部分路线?



• 贵产品 主计长可以包含如下内容:

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    i18n_slug = I18n.t("locale.category.#{params[:category_slug]}")
    @category = Category.find_by_slug(i18n_slug)

You should probably inform yourself as to potential security risks of passing the params directly into the translation engine, though I m not aware of any. You might also consider moving that into a before filter or into the application controller if it will be used in multiple controller actions.

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