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原标题:Name jdbc is not bound in this Context in Tomcat

I m having trouble with JDBC Connection Pooling, I ve done all the same with explained here: JNDI Resources HOW-TO, and here is also question (the same configuration with mine) regarding this topic which has not been resolved, I think.
What else should I consider?


我希望你们已经做了以下工作:http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/context.html#Resource%20Links>。 ResourceLink 你们的网络配置也是如此。

  <ResourceLink global="jdbc/MyDS" name="jdbc/MyDS" type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

JDBC的司机从中删除时,我有这一错误。 在我的布局中,Tomcat希望有一个特别名录的图书馆,该名录由Maven执行特别目标。 每当我清扫并放弃在管理Tomcat之前执行Maven目标时,我就确实有这一错误。

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