English 中文(简体)
辅助性 j瓦茨任务可以进入班级
原标题:Ant javac task can t access class
  • 时间:2012-01-13 10:52:21
  •  标签:
  • java
  • ant


     [echo] -> httpbean.securitymanager
     [echo] -> httpbean.securitymanager.config
     [echo] -> httpbean.securitymanager.context
     [echo] -> httpbean.securitymanager.login
     [echo] -> C:eclipsecurrentRunImported
    [javac] Compiling 4 source files to C:eclipsecurrent
    [javac] C:eclipsecurrenthttpbeansecuritymanagerloginintegrationellsouthLoginUserWS.java:192: cannot access ServiceException
    [javac] file ServiceException.class not found
    [javac]             final LoginInfo info = _login.login(user, clrpasswd, _token);
    [javac]                                                ^


    <echo message="-> httpbean.securitymanager.login" />
    <echo message="-> ${run-imported}" />
    <javac  includeantruntime="${ant8compat}" debug="${debug}" srcdir="${src}" destdir="${classes}" includes="httpbean/securitymanager/login/**/*.java" encoding="UTF-8">
        <exclude name="**/*_UnitTest.java" />
            <path refid="Axis" />
            <path refid="commons-logging" />
            <path refid="shark-1.1" />
            <path refid="log4j" />

服务外观类是 j瓦x.xml.rpc包的一部分,在鲨鱼-1.1目录中的jaxrpc.jar中,鲨鱼-1.1参考。

  <path id="shark-1.1">
    <fileset dir="${run-imported}/shark-1.1">
      <include name="*.jar" />

核对了<代码>{-进口}/shark-1.1 我可以清楚地看到,在那里坐着正确的jar档案!




import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;


JAR directory structure


Are you sure ServiceException is in the default package? Unlikely. It should be something like "com.acme.bfo.cyberdyne.ServiceException". Use

jar tf shark-1.1.jar | find "ServiceException"


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