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Dialog “Don t show this re” boolean: 储存价值在哪里?
原标题:Dialog "Don t show this again" boolean: Where to store value?

我有 Java语的流行方言,每当用户说某一具体事件时,就会出现。



在什么地方,我会把羊毛价值储存起来? 数据库、会议或甚至厨师?


                      The answer is, "it depends".

           If you want the setting to persist across visits to
          the site, even from different computers, store it in
                  the user s profile in your database.

            If you don t have a user database, store it in a
                           persistent cookie.

         If you don t want it to persist (too long), store it in
                           the (PHP?) session.

          If you won t want it to persist at all, store it in a
          per-session cookie (i.e. one without an expiry date)



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