有了令人吃惊的图书馆 活动3:
难道我只是 lo,叫我的派遣者,然后更新承诺,以表明已经派遣了部队(如果是这样,我会如何这样做)?
此外,在事件后铺的电线上,在启动时,还试图以无铺设的承诺发出信号。 我如何避免这样做?
有了令人吃惊的图书馆 活动3:
难道我只是 lo,叫我的派遣者,然后更新承诺,以表明已经派遣了部队(如果是这样,我会如何这样做)?
此外,在事件后铺的电线上,在启动时,还试图以无铺设的承诺发出信号。 我如何避免这样做?
“派遣时间表”是指在启动期间试图装上所有未派遣的承诺。 您可以自行制定并超越启动时所采用的方法。 与此同时,我不建议。 活动后的模式涉及过错的容忍和失败的恢复。 具体来说,如果机器在承诺被坚持后死亡,而发送者尚未把电线推到电线上,那么,你就希望事件办公室在启动时通过发出任何未发送的承诺而撤出。
I have a fairly simple domain model involving a list of Facility aggregate roots. Given that I m using CQRS and an event-bus to handle events raised from the domain, how could you handle validation ...
阅读CLCS时,有很多人谈到电子邮件通知,想从哪里获得数据。 Imagine a senario, 一名用户邀请其他用户参加一次活动。 告知用户他......
I m working on an event-sourced CQRS implementation, using DDD in the application / domain layer. I have an object model that looks like this: public class Person : AggregateRootBase { private ...
Versioning If your events changes you would create a new version of that event, and keep the old ones. To keep your domain code form being bloated with handling of all versions of events you would ...
I have been reading about Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). I sort of wonder how would this work with ASP.NET MVC? I get the idea of CQRS conceptually it sounds nice and sure does ...
A lot of the blogsphere articles related to CQRS (command query repsonsibility) seperation seem to imply that all screens/viewmodels are flat. e.g. Name, Age, Location Of Birth etc.. and thus the ...
We are trying out CQRS. We have a validation situation where a CustomerService (domain service) needs to know whether or not a Customer exists. Customers are unique by their email address. Our ...
One of the basic tenets of CQRS, as I understand it, is that commands should be behaviour-centric, and have a value in the business or the UL, and not data-centric, ie., CRUD. Instead of focusing on ...