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什么是org.hibernate。 版本 类型职能
原标题:What is the org.hibernate.type VersionType function?

I found my table has a version column so that hibernate has a error. But what it provides features ? I read the doc , but not understand well.


 * Additional contract for types which may be used to version (and optimistic lock) data.
 * @author Gavin King
 * @author Steve Ebersole




  • last writer wins
  • when a client loads data which he may edit he locks all others away from using the same data until he releases it (pessimistic)
  • all clients can read/write but get error if attempting to override state which is different from what he has read (optimistic concurrency)

the version column is an implementation of the third strategy. If you get errors chances are you have two clients which try to alter data concurrently.

how to implement optimistic (maybe not the best)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimistic_locking”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>furtherread

https://stackoverflow.com/a/129397/671619>nice 何时使用

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