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FB. 配有方法饲料,造成一种不为人知的错误,CAPTCHA要求
原标题:FB.ui with method feed is resulting in an unknown error and CAPTCHA request
  • 时间:2012-01-15 18:42:25
  •  标签:
  • captcha

我们重新使用以前使用的代码,因此,我怀疑这可能与现场有关。 在使用标准时:

    method:  feed ,
    app_id:  <?= $LDP->config->facebook->id ?> ,
    name:  Post Name ,
    link: flink,
    picture: "https://www.domain.ca/templates/visual/images/share.gif",
    caption: "Caption",
    description:  Join the fun today! ,
    actions: [
      { name: "Check it out!", link: flink }
  function(response) {
    if (response && response.post_id) {
      alert( Post was published. );
    } else {
      alert( Post was not published. );

它首先显示了预期的方言,当你以从下的权利把 but点点点点点点点点上去,以便查阅上游出版物时,出现了新的人群:



Security Check please enter the text below


唯一 but子是“Ok”。 妥善解决卡普查造成坠毁(Facebook服务器投掷500个错误)。



Turns out this is a bug with Facebook (broken captcha issue). The pop-up is an innate anti-spam system, but people should be able to succeed with the CAPTCHA. I d filed a private bug with Facebook, and it s slated to be fixed apparently.


我也经历了这种情况。 我可以确认,改变这一联系领域使它变得有利。

页: 1 ———————————— 这与我们一样。

Try calls FB.init() before calls FB.ui() to see that helps receive matters in sync. 还肯定在警示中指明“Url”频道。

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