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你们如何用 j子在森林论坛中吸引一片人的可见度? (IE和Kingper)
原标题:How do you toggle the visibility of a div in FF with javascript? (IE and Chrome work fine)


document.all["layer1"].style.visibility= visible ;


document.all["layer1"].style.visibility= hidden ;

What would the syntax look like for this if I m trying to do it in Firefox? If I know that, then I ll add in an if statement to check if the browser is firefox 以及 use the alternate code.


。 你们必须用另一种方法 gr。


document.querySelector( div#layer1 ).style.visibility =  hidden ;    
document.querySelector( div#layer1 ).style.visibility =  visible ;

页: 1


document.getElementById( layer1 ).style.visibility =  hidden ;
document.getElementById( layer1 ).style.visibility =  visible ;



Don t use document.all[]. 它没有得到所有浏览者的支持,在很大程度上是IE4时代的演奏。 取用document.getElementById(>进入<div> sid Depende:

document.getElementById("layer1").style.visibility =  hidden ;
document.getElementById("layer1").style.visibility =  visible ;

You can use querySelectorAll, but you ll then need to loop through the elements.

document.querySelectorAll( .layer ).forEach((element) => {
  element.style.visibility= hidden ;

rel=“nofollow noreferer”>https://jsfiddle.net/Haxen2000/xo8k0eqp/6/

//class named layer1
document.querySelectorAll( .layer1 ).style.display= none ;
document.querySelectorAll( .layer1 ).style.display= block ;
//id named layer1
document.querySelector( #layer1 ).style.display= none ;
document.querySelector( #layer1 ).style.display= block ;

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