第一,将设计商的体积确定为小于最低预期分辨率,即900x650。 然后,你可以设计一种形式,在一切决议中工作,即使它没有再造。
接下来,哪些控制应该保持固定规模,而这种控制应该把我们所形成的形式延伸/扩大。 首先,一些领域因扩大而获得了一定利益(例如,如果有一个总含最多3位数的正文箱,那么增长幅度就足以显示9位数,那是毫无意义的,甚至适得其反的。 第二,有些领域填满了表格的全宽度,因此,如果它们种植,它们自然会更好。
Now, set the anchoring. In general, anchor the edge of a control to the nearest edge of the form. If you set only one anchor, the control will not stretch, and the anchored edge will start the same distance from that side of the form.
如果你想要控制,把对立面(左边和右边)围起来。 这将使这些边缘与形式边缘保持同样的距离,因此控制将变得十分合适。
You will see that if one control is anchored in place, and the control next to it is set to stretch, there is a good chance that they ll end up overlapping, so you must treat all controls across the form as a related group.
为了进行更多的控制,将控制小组置于像小组或小组箱这样的集装箱控制之下。 然后,他们的 anchor子与他们的母群体有关,该群体可以按原样扎根。
To see the effects, just resize the form in the designer and see where everything goes - then undo and fix any anchoring that didn t work. You ll soon get a feel for how the layout works, and how to design forms to work well with resizing.