English 中文(简体)
原标题:Php Form Builder Class Hidden Fields

我昨天开始与太平洋渔业公司合作,我无法说明如何通过我的欧洲自由贸易联盟变量美元,我读到每份文件,没有结果。 文件中我看不到的另外一件事是隐蔽领域的例子,因为我试图通过一些变数,这些变数是徒劳的。 我从垃圾堆放场看到,GET的变数在上页装上,但我无法在提交时收回。 在我下面的文字中,除香料外,所有变量都显示出了罚款。 我尝试将全球教育体系的变量纳入会议,寻找工作.......隐蔽的田地、干 work和下文所列的工作方式......对于熟悉这一类别的人来说,这里的一些指导会有助于避风。 采用pfbc2.2-php5, 几乎有旧文件。 我的法典是:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Step One: Physician Feedback</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="MachForm/data/form_1/css/view.css" media="all" />
<body id="main_body" >
<img id="top" src="MachForm/images/top.png" alt="" />
<div id="form_container">
  <div id="form_container" style="background-color: #004F79; height:45px;"></div>
  <div style="padding:30px;">
    <div class="form_description">
      <h2>Step One: Physician Feedback</h2>
if (isset($_POST["form"])) {
    if (Form::isValid($_POST["form"])) {
        /*The form s submitted data has been validated.  Your script can now proceed with any 
        further processing required.*/
        $ids       = $_GET["nums"];
        $name      = $_POST[ name ];
        $title     = $_POST[ title ];
        $dept      = $_POST[ dept ];
        $phone     = $_POST[ phone ];
        $tech      = $_POST[ tech ];
        $latex     = $_POST[ latex ];
        $eliminate = $_POST[ eliminate ];
        $stock     = $_POST[ stock ];
        $urgent    = $_POST[ urgent ];
        $reason    = $_POST[ reason ];
        $date      = $_POST[ date+ ];
        echo $ids;
        //header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
    } else {
        /*Validation errors have been found.  We now need to redirect back to the 
        script where your form exists so the errors can be corrected and the form
        header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
$options  = array(
    "Order as needed",
    "Shelf Stock",
$options1 = array(
$options2 = array(
    "Lower Cost Item",
    "Needed for new procedure",
    "Reduces Length of Stay",
    "Improves Safety",
    "Reduces Procedure Time"
$form     = new Form("anything", 700);
$form->addElement(new Element_Hidden("form", "anything"));
    "view" => new View_Grid(array(
$form->addElement(new Element_Textbox("Name:", "name", array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_Textbox("Title:", "title", array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_Textbox("Department:", "dept", array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_Textbox("Phone:", "phone", array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_YesNo("Is this new technology:", "tech", array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_YesNo("Does this product contain latex:", "latex", array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_YesNo("Is the current technology being eliminated:", "eliminate", array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_Radio("What is the stocking preference:", "stock", $options, array(
    "inline" => 1,
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_Radio("How urgent is this request:", "urgent", $options1, array(
    "inline" => 1,
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_Select("Primary Rationale For this request:", "reason", $options2, array(
    "required" => 1
$form->addElement(new Element_Date("Date:", "date+"));
$form->addElement(new Element_Button);
<img id="bottom" src="MachForm/images/bottom.png" alt="" />

这一类别使这种情况非常容易。 我不敢肯定为什么要挣扎如此糟糕。 仅补充这些内容,并在后方接手名册。 大量工程。 我确实喜欢这一类。 $=美元;



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