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原标题:What is a good alternative to VS 2010 for creating C++ programs?

I am just starting out learning to program C++. Visual Studio is nice but its so picky and its caused a lot of problems for me getting my code to compile. So I heard code blocks is a good one. Does anyone know of any others that are simple and hassle free? I tried to create a hello world program in VS 2010 with the instructions in my book and of course it went crazy and said you can t do this that and the other. =/


希望你们能够比以后更早地学习。 C++要求你在撰写你的法典时非常具体,它的确是你使用的。 C++是一种标准语言,所有汇编者都更加符合相同的规格。

如果你的法典没有编纂,那就是因为你在撰写时再做一些错误。 举一些例子,我们可以提供帮助。 一位新的编辑赢得了任何变化。

The syntax is language specific. There s no (good) programming language that allows you to type your code loosely.
Nevertheless, take a look at my answer on another question.


我不敢肯定你所说的话——如果你不指汇编者,而是国际民主和选举援助学会(在撰写过程中以你的方式得到),那么我建议你用通用文本编辑和独立汇编者来对其进行审判。 象最好一样,当被迫使用Windows I时,请打电话台++。 作为汇编者,你可以继续使用视像仪,前往视窗(MinGW)或英特尔C++编辑。

海事组织在含水层上更容易,因此我的建议是[K/X]Ubuntu + kate + gcc。 (你仍然能够很容易地把节目送到Windows,比其他途径更容易。)

• 寻找一个免费源代码编辑,支持根据MSWindows环境和MinGW(窗口港)运行的几种方案语言。

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