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OBJ-C:使用价值 钥匙不是扼杀物时的KeyPath
原标题:OBJ-C: using valueForKeyPath when key is not a string

我有一架装有NSNumber物体的NSDictionary物体的NSArray。 我愿利用价值计算最高值。 如果我以下列例子使用插座,我将使用“ForKeyPath:@max.OHLCClose”。 我如何将NSNumber物体作为钥匙?

typedef enum _OHLCField {
} OHLCField;

NSMutableArray *newData = [NSMutableArray array];

newData addObject: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: 
[NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble:fOpen], [NSNumber numberWithInt:OHLCOpen], 
[NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble:fClose], [NSNumber numberWithInt:OHLCClose]];


关键在于确定物体的具体财产。 通常,钥匙与接收物体中的接触器方法或试算变量的名称相对应。 钥匙必须使用ASCII编码,首先使用低频信函,不得含有白色空间。


If you need to use NSNumber s as your keys you will have to code the algorithm yourself - just iterate over the array and find the maximum value associated with your key. You could wrap the algorithm in a category so it becomes "part" of NSArray.



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