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原标题:Can t call correct constructor on struct inherited from C++ class

There is no constructor defined in V8Context, so only the implicit copy constructor appears as an option. You need to explicitly define a constructor in V8Context that forwards the v8::Persistent<T> argument to its base class.



根据我的理解,new V8Context (...)v8:Handle<T> s Constructionor.

<代码>new V8Context(......)将仅指在V8Context/code>上宣布的建筑商;建筑商不继承。 你们需要增加一个,例如:

V8Context(v8::Handle<v8::Context> const & handle) : 

<代码>new V8Context(...).n t calls a Constructionor from v8:Handle<T>, but a Constructionor from V8Context。 由于你对其中的字塔作了界定,只有违约的建筑商和复印件建筑商才能使用(建筑商是可继承的)。 因此,它试图打上影印机,并且由于这一论点可能变成了<编码>V8Context。 为了解决你的问题,你需要增加一个适当的构造者,以<代码>V8Context,该编码将把论点提交基建商(根据你的论点,并非确切的编号,而是类似的话):

struct V8Context : public v8::Handle<v8::Context> {
  V8Context(const v8::Handle<v8::Context>& handle): v8::Handle<v8::Context>(handle) {}


  • the copy constructor which is synthesized whenever it is needed and not explicitly declared or made impossible (e.g. by deriving from a class without a copy constructor). This constructor take a V8Cintext as argument.
  • the default constructor which is synthesized when needed, when there is no explicit constructor, and all members and bases can be default constructed. Thos constructor has no arguments.

看来,你试图通过与复制商签名相对应的那类。 如果你想要使用,就需要明确提供相应的建筑。

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