English 中文(简体)
原标题:Using set_value + another value in codeigniter

I ve got alogin form and I m usingtank Auth for form accreditation, et al. 就表格而言,我不使用标签;相反,我正在把价值领域集中起来,向用户说明哪些投入(例如,在“电子邮件”领域发送电子邮件地址)。 但是,油轮Austh以一套价值功能预示着价值:

$login = array(
     name   =>  login ,
     id     =>  login ,
     value  => set_value( login ),

Is there any way to keep the set_value function, but also enter a value that can be used in place of a label? Or is there some other way to get users to see the instructional text without getting rid of the set_value function?


You are able to set a second argument for set_value().


$login = array(
 name   =>  login ,
 id     =>  login ,
 value  => set_value( login ,  You re username ),

将预定数值(如果未输入任何其它数值)定为 页: 1



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