English 中文(简体)
j 质量:无法选择动态生成的固定要素
原标题:jQuery: Dynamically generated anchor element cannot be selected

我正在撰写一些法典,通过Ajax电话向服务器生成固定部件。 该清单是成功的。 但是,当我试图通过轮班选择 anchor子时,我找不到任何东西。 我的法典有点错误吗? 任何建议? 我赞赏你的反馈。 增 编


  generate_link( somelink.php ,  #link ul );

  $(".mylink").css("border","3px solid red"); //this is not works :-(


function generate_link(method_url, target)

          type:  GET ,
          url: method_url,
          dataType:  json ,
          success: function(data) {
             var str=  ;
                str = str + ( <li><a href="  + data[i][ anchor ] + " class="mylink"></li> );

Since that CSS is being applied when the page loads and not when you do your AJAX call, the CSS isn t being applied to the elements added with AJAX. Try moving the line where you set the border to 3px solid red to the success callback, like this:

  generate_link( somelink.php ,  #link ul );

function generate_link(method_url, target)

          type:  GET ,
          url: method_url,
          dataType:  json ,
          success: function(data) {
             var str=  ;
                str = str + ( <li><a href="  + data[i][ anchor ] + " class="mylink"></li> );
             $(".mylink").css("border","3px solid red"); 




选择<代码>success 电话:$.ajax(

Move this line to the callback function

$(".mylink").css("border","3px solid red"); //this is not works :-(

Jquery正在发出Ajax的请求,随后,没有收到答复,但立即执行上述路线。 当时,这些联系点尚未建立。


function generate_link(method_url, target)
      type:  GET ,
      url: method_url,
      dataType:  json ,
      success: function(data) {
         var str=  ;
            str = str + ( <li><a href="  + data[i][ anchor ] + " class="mylink"></li> );
         $(".mylink").css("border","3px solid red"); //added this here


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