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用户 t中具有约束力的数据的最佳实践是什么,以避免记忆失事
原标题:What are the best practises for data binding in appcelerator titanium and avoid memory crash

我一直在利用习俗活动处理与 t器具有约束力的数据,利用一个名为“RefreshComp”的活动(所有物体的特性)处理特定物品,并赋予新价值。 这种新价值可能来自一项推介通知,一种在电话中经过编辑的标语,即你想要向所有人传播......

Titanium.App.fireEvent(RefreshComp, {
    refreshid : objectId +  -  + attribute,
    value : newvalue


function registerEvent(objectId,attribute,eventHandler){
    Titanium.App.addEventListener(RefreshComp, function(e) {
        if((e.refreshid === (objectId +  -  + attribute))) {
            eventHandler(comp, e.value);

以及then your eventHandler function could be as simple as

function eventHandler(comp,newvalue){
    comp.value = newvalue;


我的意思是,这造成参与者受全球环境的约束,从而不会释放目标。 我试图将习俗活动附在构成部分本身,但并不奏效。 因此,我正在收到正在坠毁的申请。

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x242424cf

because the binding refer to a component still in memory on the IOS side but then when TiViewProxy.m calls for the parent function in _hasListeners , it is not able to find the parent in memory that does not have any associated object 以及the parent has been removed form the memory

I have googled 以及look at the git rep of appcelerator but there are no example of this.


there a millions of way to refresh special components. i usually tend to have a clean and simple structure where every js file constists of one single ui element. this provides a clean way of managing your ui. and if your component listens to an event like globalRefreshEvent it refreshs itself.

createMyComponent = function(_args){

   var myComp = Ti.UI.createWhatEver({
      property0 = _args.prop0 || "defaultValueForProp0"
      property1 = _args.prop1 || "defaultValueForProp1"
      value = _args.value || "defaultValueForValue"

  myComp.refreshValue = function(_newValue){
       myComp.value = _newValue;

  Ti.App.addEventListener( globalRefreshEvent ,function(e){

  return myComp;


var comp = createMyComponent();


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