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原标题:how does the softlink vimdiff be implemented
  • 时间:2012-01-16 06:08:20
  •  标签:
  • linux
  • vim

I found that the vimdiff utility is just a soft link to vim. both of the two are located under /usr/bin/ in my Suse11 box. and vimdfiff is a soft link to vim. the interesting thing is that, vimdiff file1 file2 is actually the equivalent of vim -d file1 file2, so in that sense, the -d option is automatically embedded in the soft link, so my question is as simple as How?



链接到vim main.c,该链接执行此检查以区分rvimerviewgvim

 * Check for: [r][e][g][vi|vim|view][diff][ex[im]]
 * If the next character is "e" we run in Easy mode.
 * If the next character is "g" we run the GUI version.
 * If the next characters are "view" we start in readonly mode.
 * If the next characters are "diff" or "vimdiff" we start in diff mode.
 * If the next characters are "ex" we start in Ex mode.  If it s followed
 * by "im" use improved Ex mode.


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