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NET 海关控制(ToolStripControlHost) Wreaks Havoc on the Designer
原标题:.NET Custom Control (ToolStripControlHost) Wreaks Havoc on the Designer

我需要把马斯克德泰瑟比奥列入一个工具包,该工具包是因违约而被列入的,因此,我遵循我在网上发现的一些建议,建立了从工具StripControlHost继承下来的习俗控制。 当我管理申请时,我所创造的功劳是巨大的,但是它确实对设计者进行了评估。 通过“评估”,我指的是从工具包中消失的习惯控制(加上其他一些控制)。 此外,我再也不能对《工具包》增加新的控制,我可以选择对《工具包》的现有控制,以对其进行编辑。


[ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability(ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.ToolStrip | ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.StatusStrip)]
public partial class ToolStripMaskedTextBox : ToolStripControlHost
    public MaskedTextBox MaskedTextBox
        get { return Control as MaskedTextBox; }

    public ToolStripMaskedTextBox()
        : base(CreateControlInstance()) { }

    private static Control CreateControlInstance()
        MaskedTextBox mtb = new MaskedTextBox();
        mtb.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        mtb.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 16);
        mtb.PasswordChar =  * ;
        return mtb;



Constructor on type  System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripControlHost  not found. 


问题只是在找到解决办法之后才会发生。 我可以让设计者正确工作,修改表格。 和增加单一空间一样。 从那里,设计商将进行罚款。 直到我找到解决办法。 然后设计员再次冻结。 对表格的管制不得加以编辑。



Constructor on type  System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripControlHost  not found. 


This happends because the ToolStripControlHost class does not have a constructor with no parameter.

To solve this problem, you can create your own ToolStripControlHost with a none-parameter constructor and make the ToolStripMaskedTextBox inherited from your ToolStripControlHost. Try something like the following

//Declare a class that inherits from ToolStripControlHost.
[ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability(ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.ToolStrip | ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.StatusStrip)]
public class ToolStripMaskedTextBox : MyCustomToolStripControlHost
    // Call the base constructor passing in a MaskedTextBox instance.
    public ToolStripMaskedTextBox() : base(CreateControlInstance()) { }

    public MaskedTextBox MaskedTextBox
            return Control as MaskedTextBox;

    private static Control CreateControlInstance()
        MaskedTextBox mtb = new MaskedTextBox();
        mtb.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        mtb.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 16);
        mtb.PasswordChar =  * ;
        return mtb;

public class MyCustomToolStripControlHost : ToolStripControlHost
    public MyCustomToolStripControlHost()
        : base(new Control())
    public MyCustomToolStripControlHost(Control c)
        : base(c)

This will fix the problem with your exception.

表格设计师(ToolStrip MaskedTextBox)的问题在接手之后并不明显,但你可以关闭设计师,再次打开档案。

Then you can go on without any problems.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 希望这一帮助

I ve used dknaack s solution, but placed MyCustomToolStripControlHost class in a separate file in System.Windows.Forms namespace. And...

First: it works - no exception. Then: my control is visible in designer as well, so it s a jackpot.

FWIW:我还成功地找到了上面的 d子解决办法,但只有在我意识到,我是在错误的地方寻找习惯工具Strip Control。 海关控制在工具箱本身中显示。 相反,它显示了在选择(设计人)时在工具包上出现的“补充工具StripButton”下各组成部分的下调清单。

I found a solution of designer s problem. https://dobon.net/vb/dotnet/control/tschdesigneravail.html#tips_comment (Japanese)


class DesignerFriendlyToolStrip : ToolStrip { }

var ts = new DesignerFriendlyToolStrip();

我不知道为什么这样做是有效的。 任何人都知道......?

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